Sunday, January 24, 2010

Out of the Picture

When I was little, my siblings and I would always try to exaggerate how big something was. For example, one of us would say how big their cookie was by comparing it to a house. Then the other would compare their cookie to the size of the city; then one compare's their cookie to the whole state, then the country, then the world, and so on until that one person ends all by saying theirs is "out of the picture". I mean, what could be bigger than something "out of the picture"? It was something we understood as something so vast and enormous, there is nothing greater to compare it to.

One of the things that really amazes me are the stars I get to see at night. Its not very often I get to see them, seeing that I live in a heavily populated city with so much light pollution. However, about a week ago over the weekend, my church held an event known as primitive camping at a place called, Fisheating Creek. Let me tell you, that first night we arrived, the sky was so clear, you could see hundreds of stars with out a telescope! It was really awesome. While lying down on the blanket looking up in the sky, I was in awe of the greatness of space but even more amazed with the breathtaking magnificence of God himself. When I have that in perspective, it really changes the way I have previously viewed things. Problems I have thought of as impossible have now become possible because compared to God's greatness, it almost seems...insignificant. A quote from R.C. Sproul really says it best:
"Men are never duly touched and impressed with a conviction of their insignificance, until they have contrasted themselves with the majesty of God."
The more I think about it, the more I stand in fascination of His wonderful creations. Just imagine, this Great God created this enormous thing called space...and at the same time, He is the same Creator of the small complexities of life on earth. Its mind-boggling! This is why I call my God...Astronomically Extraordinary!

Now, it may seem a little hard to comprehend what I'm trying to express here, but a friend shared with me a video on youtube that really got me in total admiration of God. The speaker is Louie Giglio and the title of his message is Indescribable. And let me tell truly is Indescribable. I can't really tell you more of what it is because you have to see it for yourself. By the way, there are 5 parts to the awesome message.

God Bless! <><

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